The Association of Australian Bonsai Clubs Ltd (AABC) was formed in Sydney in 1980.

The Association currently has 58 member Clubs from all Australian States and both Territories.


12 Bougainvillea glabra TB

By joining, the Association bonsai clubs have a peak body to represent the bonsai community within Australia as well as in international bodies such as Bonsai Clubs International (BCI) and the World Bonsai Friendship Federation (WBFF).  Member clubs also have access to training programs and can participate in bonsai events such as annual National Bonsai Conventions and international conventions.

The Association is constituted and registered as a Public Company Limited by Guarantee.  It has as its members (cf ‘shareholders’) bonsai clubs and societies from around Australia as well as from New Zealand.  Each member club may elect one or two of their members to be AABC Delegates and these delegates represent their clubs at AABC meetings etc.  If a club or society is not an incorporated body then they can nominate one of their members to be a ‘Designated Officer’ and represent that unincorporated club or society. 

The objects of the AABC, in addition to all other powers of a listed Company, are:

  • To promote the art of Bonsai primarily in Australia and in any adjacent countries;
  • To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of Bonsai Clubs within Australia and any adjacent countries;
  • To hold or arrange Conventions, competitions and to provide or contribute towards the provision of prizes, awards and distinctions in connection therewith; 
  • To provide training in bonsai techniques through its Visiting tutor Program (VTP); and
  • To facilitate cooperation between bonsai clubs.

We aim to promote bonsai and support our Member Clubs.

The Association offers:

  • an annual Convention to disseminate bonsai information and to encourage bonsai enthusiasts around the country to obtain more knowledge and enjoyment of bonsai. The Conventions are usually held in May and in a different State each year and feature at least one international guest demonstrator;
  • a Visiting Tutor Program which allows Member Clubs to use the Program once each financial year. The Clubs can select a tutor from the Register of Tutors and the AABC will subsidise the Club for the travelling costs, within specified limits;
  • an insurance policy that covers all physical loss or damage to all bonsai trees, suiseki and equipment during travel to and from and whilst at Club exhibitions in Australia;
  • support of a general nature for all Member Clubs.

Please feel free to contact any of our Office Bearers at any time.

Our Company

Association of Australian Bonsai Clubs Ltd.
ACN: 115 230 861

Write to Us

GPO Box 1204
Canberra ACT 2601

Contact Us

Board of Directors

The AABC Ltd is managed by a Board of Directors, half of whom are elected at the AGM each year. The Board currently comprises:

Glenys Barnes


Frank Kelly


Tony Bebb


Maurice Flaherty

VTP Co-ordinator

Dianne Boekhout

Convention Advisor

Nick Justo
